eurotrip 2003
june 2003 was one of my unforgettable best holiday moment! at that time, me and my family went to europe for 2 weeks, and i was very excited because (yeah..) that was the first time i go to europe, though.. it's such a beautiful continent and i really really would like to go there again someday! first destination, we flew from jakarta to amsterdam, and i have to admit that it was the most painful flight everrrr... because i had to sit for more than 15 hours and i felt like my ass wanted to fall off hahahahaha. but yeah, it was worth it because when we arrived at amsterdam, oh goshh it was so beautiful.. it was summer so we could be tulips and other terrific things that happened that day. we also had a road trip to rotterdam.. similar like venice i guess? hmm not similar, but yeahh you know what i mean.. there's a river in the city and also a boat to catch when people want to go home.. just beautiful!
second destination: italyyy! and it included rome, milan and vatican.. awwww i love rome! this city is so historical.. i love the buildings and other ancient things there.. including the coloseum..great! and oh yes, trevi fountain! my mom said if i put coins into the water of the fountain, i could go back there again someday.. (yeahh it's a belief..) and sure i will! next was milan. hmm, what can i say.. milan is very different with rome. it's a modern city, quite fashionable?, crowded. but i couldn't really "taste" what milan was, because i was sickkk! duhh stupid. last from italy was vatican. you know that vatican is a really small country inside the italy, and it is associated religiously of course. yeah, because we are catholic so my parents would like to go there even for a couple of hours. it was beautiful also, very quiet.. and artistic! we entered the basilica saint peter (usually known as cathedral) and joined a mass there. we also looked at some of michaelangelo's works and i adored it soooo much!!! too beautiful, and it's real.. usually i just see it from the tv and you can imagine when i could touch it by myself.. the sculpture of jesus christ and saint mary..hmmm speechless!

for the next couple of days, we had a very pleasant trip to paris, london and vienna. everybody said that paris is the most romantic city.. and it is! finally i could see the eiffel tower at night and it was just beautiful.. and yes, the nice thing was, when we came to paris, it was the final day of le tour de france.. hahaha you know what is it? it's a bicycle competition.. so the athletes have to compete all around paris (i guess..) with their bikes.. (mountain bikes actually). i think all of parisian were gathered there that day, because it was so crowded.. but yeaahhhhh i was so excited.. hmmm i didn't see lance armstrong passed through unfortunately.. we also had a very very nice experience at the palace of versailles. it was just magnificent! the paintings, sculptures, architecture are beautiful.. actually i forgot what we had been going through that day because the palace is sooo big and so many things that we had seen hahahahaha.. i think i remember that it has 1000 rooms inside it..geez! and yes, i saw the paintings of king louis xvi. hmmm he's not handsome, though.. rather be fat? hahahahha but yeah doesn't matter anyway, just joking..
london! london is one of my dream cities in the world. i really want to go there again..hmm lovely.. the one thing that i remember about london was.. (finally) i saw the buckingham palace for real, hahahahhaha duh! well yeah, not so much different with what the tv reports about, just same. beautiful palace, beautiful building and architecture.. and funny guards! know, people who wearing red suits with furrrryyyy!
last destination: vienna. i didn't know many things about vienna before i came there. i know that it's the capital of austria, but yeah just that, not much. then, i discovered that vienna is very beautiful. different with other european cities, vienna has its own artistic side.. hard to explain, but beautiful. i remembered when we went to salzburg palace and i got lost there. salzburg is the palace which marie antoinette lived before she married king louis xvi of france. anyway, i was so panic hahahahahah because there were so many tourists there. what i didn't know that my older sisterrrrr took a picture of me when i was panic and i looked weird (actually i didn't get lost, she just making "fun" of me)..aaah screw her!
london! london is one of my dream cities in the world. i really want to go there again..hmm lovely.. the one thing that i remember about london was.. (finally) i saw the buckingham palace for real, hahahahhaha duh! well yeah, not so much different with what the tv reports about, just same. beautiful palace, beautiful building and architecture.. and funny guards! know, people who wearing red suits with furrrryyyy!
last destination: vienna. i didn't know many things about vienna before i came there. i know that it's the capital of austria, but yeah just that, not much. then, i discovered that vienna is very beautiful. different with other european cities, vienna has its own artistic side.. hard to explain, but beautiful. i remembered when we went to salzburg palace and i got lost there. salzburg is the palace which marie antoinette lived before she married king louis xvi of france. anyway, i was so panic hahahahahah because there were so many tourists there. what i didn't know that my older sisterrrrr took a picture of me when i was panic and i looked weird (actually i didn't get lost, she just making "fun" of me)..aaah screw her!
great eurotrip!!!
Enjoying your blog.
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